She felt so lonely her gums ached for company. She took to coffee shops in order to be around people. Alone, her heart was an empty coloring-book, but the presence of people filled it with rainbow-scribble laughter. At the coffee shop they sat separated by as much space as they could manage, unless all the seats were taken and there was no other option but close proximity. Sitting there she always hoped for a divine spark to descend from heaven and ignite a passionate conversation between these strangers sitting elbow to elbow with eyes deliberately averted. The spark never came, but occasionally someone would smile at her silently. He heart would quicken in anticipation until the sense of opportunity dissipated and she felt as alone as ever. Was she the only one who felt this way? Where their walls eredcted to keep people like her away? Or were they waiting, as she was, just beyond their averted eyes?


  1. Congratulation! I just gave an award to you..check it out at my blog..
    have a nice day :) <3 x

  2. I just saw your blog, and you have adorable picts.
    Like it.....

  3. I love your style of writing. You really SHOULD write a novel. I am sure it will be great!

  4. In the event that I do go to South Korea, I will leave room for you in my carry-on. ;0). Thanks for commenting on my blog because it has lead me to yours. What lovely writing and images to go with. I'm inspired.


  5. Beautifully said hun. Often I've felt the same sitting in cafes or buses or on the metro. Heck even in lecture theatres. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to feel as free as it would feel to talk in a friendly manner to strangers?

  6. i am so flattered someone as talented as you visited my blog

    your words speak to me, i know just how that feels, i live in london and am surrounded by thousands, millions of people every day and staring at the faces i know there is something there behind their stopic expressions. i wish one day conversation will happen sponataneously, and not just when people feel lubraicated by alcohol at bars, pubs.

    thank you for visiting my blog, it really means a lot .

    and keep writing you have a beautiful voice

  7. Lovely images - are you the photographer, the model or maybe both?

  8. I just came across your blog and love your writing! This is especially something I can relate to and I am sure many else would feel the same way...

