PC: Steven Meisel Vogue Italia April 2009

Mr. Fashion-Industry can be so impossibly fickle and transient. One moment he is tearing your heart and soul out of your chest calling you a fat fuck, and the next moment fat becomes the new skinny and he’s purring “darling...” in your ear. The more I live in the world, the more I see a hypocritical contrast in myself and in everything - everywhere. I feel like there's always a small part of us that tries to be something we're not. Nothing makes this more obvious than fashion. I wonder whether fashion magazines should have any words in them at all and instead remain a strictly visual art. Sometimes, the words confuse the point. One page is telling me to “give to those in need" and the next page suggests that I cannot be truly happy if my hair isn’t shiny. How does one reconcile these extremes? Should I donate to charity as they suggest, or buy those seven hundred dollar panties on the next page? Am I supposed to go to that environmental awareness gala in order to help in some way or is it just another excuse to have my picture taken in that fifteen hundred dollar cotton dress? Can I reconcile the psychological depravity that seems to be fashion’s shadow, with an honest appreciation of beauty? How much longer can this go on? I cannot dive deep in shallow water.


  1. I think fashion should remain a strictly visual art - and what a great post, i whole heartedly agree!!

  2. Very true. Fashion exist to inspire you but at the same time, they need to convince you to buy the products in the magazine. You can't one without the other.

  3. Ooops, I meant to say "you can't have one without the other".

  4. I absolutely agree with you. Fashion is in fact an art form regardless of size, brand and who you know. I can say it with conviction our society is so consumer driven no one has a view of their own. Girls will always think skinny is beautiful thanks to the media and their airbrushed photoshopping!

    You say it girl! Hang in there you have the right frame of mind its the only thing that will keep you strong in the industry.

  5. Very true and insightful. My mind is in one of those numbing, I-really-literally-shouldn't've-stayed-up-all-last-night-studying sorts of moods lol or else I would contribute to this thread. As it stands I'll just say that the pictures are very pretty and I also wish my parents were mad hippies but fyi hers are designers lol.

  6. I love the images of your blog!!!!!!! Great post dear,


  7. Fashion is a vice and a virtue. It's a frivalous necessity that's bred into our souls, appealing to the very best and the worst in us. Maybe that's why we all love it so much?


  8. Fashion should be only art, stay visual and visual only to the piece of clothing .
    I don't even really know that do the magazines say, I don't bother reading them apart from the events page, some interview or hmmm dont know maybe I read dazed n cofuzed sometimes beacuse it has interesting articles on musicians aaaand Lula, yeah I love lula. For the rest, it's a waste of time. Than we all already know how the industry is looks over substance all the time, really it's up to us to change it but never even bothered but rather take pictures of ourselves in our latest cool thing in a skinny pose.

  9. meisel is great. but i dont like darya that much in this editorial. but i adored the cover!

  10. Your text is astounding. The way you write is deep and insightful. I love the last sentence especially and agree with your sentiments.

  11. digging the first pic.
    you have quite a knack at picking excellent photos. your blog displays some rather wicked photos :)

  12. Our job is to inspiring not making decision to anyone. So it's the reader discretion of what to believe or even not to believe any of it. Because we too didn't tell you what to believe, we just informing.

    I work at Harper's Bazaar Thailand.
    Pan's Holiday

  13. you raise a very interesting, accurate point. i totally agree with you and love your shallow/deep metaphor!

    please check mine out...

  14. haha, the eternal conflict... I really like this editorial though, everything's so harsh and ripped apart. I also love, love, love your blog header, so rad! Thanks for the comment that led me here, will be back for more...

  15. life in general is a contradiction. and most def. a contradiction of sorts. but that is what makes it so beautiful.

  16. You should go to YouTube and type in Steven Meisel Portfolio 1983!
    Hilarious stuff ...

  17. ohmy...this definitely hit a nerve with me. it's so interesting to see in W and Vanity Fair and Vogue, the need to save money and be thirfty in the recession but then a few pages later show people at fabulous events in fabulous clothes spending obscene amounts of money...I also noticed that more and more magazines are including pieces by brands like Banana Republic and Club Monaco in order to appear fashion and economically conscious. But, on the other side, I read these mags to get inspired and to have a little bit of fantasy...I read it and look at the photos and I've never thought (or been able to) go out and buy that $30,000 Versace gown or $2000 Fendi's just for fun and, at the sake of sounding redundant, for inspiration. I don't look to these places in search of profound thought or understanding...I just look for fun and to escape and to look at beautiful and extremely creative things and people.
