Source: The Cherry Blossom Girl's beautiful site.

He liked to ride the subway.
He was lonely and spent his weekends on the F train, even when he had no where to go. More often than not, the journey was the destination. He'd sit by the window and watch the people slowly shift by, then disappear entirely. He listened quietly to their conversations and laughter, wishing there was some way he could join in.

She liked to ride her bike.
She was suffocating. Sometimes when the house got particularly full, and the loud hum of people talking started to close in on her she ran out of the house, jumped on her bike and rode out of the city to be alone. On the weekends she came home very late only to sleep. Then one sad day summer left and winter came.

Reluctantly she found herself on the F train heading somewhere out of the city...
Reluctantly he found himself in love with her.

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